Friday, October 23, 2009


Warm up: 500m row, 10 push ups, 30 air squats, high knees, butt kicks, grapevines, 30 jumping jacks
WOD: "Fran" -- For time, 21-15-9 thrusters and pull ups

I have had butterflies in my stomach for a week over this one. "Fran" is a benchmark WOD for all CrossFitters, and CrossFit Centex is even having an event tonight to get a whole bunch of people together to do "Fran". I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of doing this at such a beginner's level around lots of people, mainly guys, who are virtual power houses. So, I met with my regular group this morning and we knocked it out.

It was 45 degrees when I woke up today, so I dressed for colder weather, put my hair in funky braids and a beanie, and set off. When I got to the box, we were all a little jittery but excited to be doing "Fran." I got to have two coaches talking and motivating me through this that I normally don't get to work out with, so that was lots of fun. One of them really snapped my focus where it needed to be. He asked me what my plan was for rest, and then said that he would be holding me accountable to it. If I started to go past that time, he was gonna be on me to get moving. That one thought right there really kept me moving.

Dare I say it -- I've done harder WODs. Not that this wasn't hard, incredibly hypoxic, and exhilarating all at once. For me, with the weight I used and the fact that I've been babying my knees for the last couple of days, the thrusters were manageable, and pull ups are not near as scary as they used to be, even though I'm still doing them assisted. But the thruster movement itself was not the hardest movement to perform. I think the hardest thing I've done so far was the hang squat cleans from Monday. They were completely brutal. Given, I didn't do "Fran" as prescribed -- I did it scaled -- but for my first WOD, it was appropriate weight, I think.

I think that the combination of good coaching and mental focus is what really helped me plug through today. The male coaches have a different way of pushing than my female coach, and every now and then it's nice to switch them up just to hear how they motivate in different ways. And the "zone" I've been able to get into mentally with some of the other WODs proved to be helpful today. All I know is that I felt electrified at the end of it and insanely surprised at my time.


Posted time: 5:56 with 45# and assisted pull ups


  1. Hey girl!! Im starting CF this coming Monday at 9. You have inspired me!!

  2. GET SOME, GIRL! I'm so proud of you!!! Hang in there -- it's kinda like breastfeeding. After the first week or two, you start to feel stronger and you recover faster. 3..2..1..GO!


Got some constructive criticism or kudos? Bring it on! 3...2...1...GO!